Racing Season Details
SESCA's dinghy racing programme is held mainly on Sundays from the last weekend in March until the last weekend in November. Three races are scheduled each Sunday until November, whereupon the number of races is reduced to 2. There is an additional single Frostbite Race held on Boxing Day.
The last race each Sunday is normally a handicap Pursuit race. The other races are normally handicapped with a Single-Fleet, Single-Start.
The racing season mainly comprises 9 separate series:
There are usually:
12 races in the Early, Holiday, Late and Autumn series
9 races in the Spring, Mid, Summer and Indian series
13 races in the Winter series
The number of races in each series may vary depending on the calendar. Some of the races count towards more than one series.
The results of the first race each Sunday also qualify for one of the 3 AM series as follows:
Early AM series (EAM) - 10 races
Summer AM series (SAM) - 11 races
Late AM series (LAM) - 13 races
The results of the Pursuit race each Sunday also qualify for one of the 3 Pursuit Race series as follows:
Early Pursuit Series (E Pursuit) - 10 races
Summer Pursuit series (S Pursuit) - 11 races
Late Pursuit series (L Pursuit) - 13 races
The overall results in each of the above series is based on a competitor's best 7 results. All results count if less than 7 races in a series are sailed.
Bank Holiday weekend Sundays have their own Trophies and where all 3 races on each day count towards over the overall result:
Easter Egg Cup
Spring Cup
Summer Trophy
There are 9 other special one day Trophy events, where all 3 races on each day count towards over the overall result:
Ladies’ Day
Midsummer Madness
Kronenburg Cup
Laser Trophy
Enterprise Trophy
Topper Trophy
The Antigua Sailing Day Regatta is also scored on the results of all 3 races on that day.