Racing Instructions and Rules

SESCA's Racing Instructions can be viewed in the document below. You can also access the document through this link: SESCA Racing Instructions

Your attention is drawn to the new Bye Law added at paragraph 39 to encourage more Novices to participate in racing events.

SESCA's racing is governed by the RYA's Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS). Allen Brothers have published a one-page illustrative summary Rules Chart of the RRS that can be accessed with this link: Allen Brothers RRS 2021-2024

The RYA Portsmouth Yardstick Scheme enables boats of different classes to race competitively against each other. The Portsmouth Number List for 2024 can be seen here. There is a second list for boats with Limited Data here.

SESCA is trialling a one-day Sprint Series event for 2024 on Sunday 12th May. The Racing Instructions for this event are here.

SESCA's Annual Regatta Notice of Race for 2024 on Sunday 16th June can be accessed with this link: Annual Regatta of Race

SESCA Racing Instructions 2024 v1.docx